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Melee violence

When engaged in melee violence there is a few things to remember:

Pull your blows, there’s never a need to hit people hard.

Use the weapons safely, never stab and only use areas designed as striking surfaces.

Non-realistic fighting styles such as ‘drum-rolling’ or ‘feather-dusting’ will not be accepted. As a rule of thumb a weapon should be drawn back a distance at least equal to its length between each hit. A 10 inch dagger should be drawn back 10 inches whereas a 30 inch bat should be drawn back 30 inches or more.

Projectile violence

By attending Forsaken you have agreed to play within the spirit of game, in terms of ranged violence this means that you agree to help create cinematic gun fight scenes like those seen in movies, video games and TV shows. We expect both players and crew to engage in civil and fun role-play combat which is more about the aesthetic and immersive feel rather than winning. If there is chance that your character has been shot then go with it.

Cinematic violence a basic guide

Using appropriate cover (something bullet proof) means you are not hit unless flanked and someone gets the drop on you.

If you get the drop on someone they should take the hit without argument, you cannot dodge bullets although if they return fire and you feel it was a quick enough response then you can decide to take a hit too.

If you do get the drop on someone make them aware in a suitable in game manner as you pull the trigger. Use phrases like “die” or “you’re going down”.

Three second aiming time

All ranged weapons (unless point blank range) require the character to aim for a suitable period of time before the first shot (making a call of BANG) of each violent situation and each subsequent shot.

Violent encounter

We define a violent encounter as beginning when two or more opponents start any kind of offensive action (trading insults doesn’t count) and ends when only one side is still in the fight, the other side all being down or having fled (multiple waves are considered one encounter).

Health status


Your character may act as normal.


When a characters location is struck they are wounded. There are six locations, the head, chest, and left/right arm and left/right leg.

Head and chest wounds prevent the use any actions and cause the recipient to enter their death count. Whilst the head is a viable location for damage we ask that aimed strikes to the head should only ever occur where there is adequate light and time to ensure that the blow is as safe as possible.

A wound to an arm or leg disables the limb until an appropriate medical procedure is performed, please be generous with your roleplay here.


Some tough characters can SHRUG OFF blows from simple melee weapons ignoring a number of WOUNDS before the limb is disabled or they enter their death count. The number of injuries a character can shrug off each violent encounter is determined by the characters background and associated key words.

Regardless of how many wounds your character can shrug off you must still react to each blow in an appropriate manner.

Death and dying

Your characters death count is effectively the time it takes for them to die from shock, blood loss or organ failure and is 5 minutes/300 seconds. During this time you cannot move easily although you may stagger slowly calling out for aid if you choose to and role-play being in pain.

If your character is struck again whilst in this state your character loses consciousness and must stay prone where you were hit for as long as is comfortable. If there is combat around you and you feel that you are in a position where you will get hurt, move to an area which is safe.

If the death count expires without suitable attention and you have used up all of your will to live laminates then your character has died.

We trust you to die at the right time, be generous with you role-play and don’t be afraid to let your character die if the time is right. It’s a dramatic theme, a single knife wound won’t kill someone but if the time is taken to stab your character repeatedly or hack them to pieces with a chainsaw then please respect that.

Will to Live

Love, compassion and reliance can pull the human species through the most traumatic of times. In Forsaken this “will” manifests itself in giving a character the ability to survive death.

For each of your character’s loved ones, best friends or family who is safe and alive your character receives a single will to live laminate. These represent the bond between your character and another, the willingness to go that extra mile and never give up for them.

All characters unless specified have the capacity to bond with three other characters. When creating your character they must have one other player character in existence who they have a significant bond to. You may choose the other two during play if you wish.

Losing will to live

Losing a loved one is a very distressing experience and it is expected that your character will respond in a suitable role-play manner. If you witness the death of a loved one you will also be unable to use the related will to live laminates you have on your person.

If one of these character dies then than slot is lost permanently and unless a keyword or game effect changes it the character may only have two bonds going forward, then one etc.

Using will to live

If your character enters or passes their death count then they may choose to open one of their will to live laminates to prevent their death by following the instructions inside. Just like in the movies characters won’t pull through unscathed and will always suffer from sort of TRAUMA which has a negative effect on your character until cured or passes over time.

==Curing trauma==]

Curing the trauma will often involve a key word, an IC item or a combination of the two in serious situations. The details of which can be found inside.

What if I don’t have access to the key word or item?

As described already, Forsaken does not have a definitive set of game effecting actions which can be taken. In circumstances where you cannot get the trauma cured in the suggested manner, you can invent your own solution.

In these circumstances you should get the assistance of an IC ref to assist you in whatever scheme you have come up with. Be warned though that in all circumstances attempting to cure a trauma without using the prescribed method may result in further complications.